Saturday 12 May 2012

Well Done Talent Show Kids!
Congratulations! All of you guys did great! There were lots of  good talents! Awesome dancers awesome singers awesome trick riding awesome gitar playing and piano and karate!!!!

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Talent Show
The talent show is next week on Thursday!  What is your talent? Dancing, singing, comedy, magic.......  Last year we had 5 singers, 2 of them were together.  Also I sang last year!  Last year 2 people were doing gymnastics, well it was 3 until someone backed out at the last minute.  There was 4 dancers and 3 of them were doing a dance together.  This year I will be singing again and so will another person also in my class.  Someone I know will be doing hip hop dancing again.  The class clown of my class says he want to do a comedy act! 
Well done to all last years talent show acts and good luck to this years!  

Friday 9 March 2012

Play Ground fun!
Here are some pictures of some kids at recess having fun!
Here are some kids making a snowman! 

More pictures coming out soon!

Thursday 8 March 2012

Here shows where Loralee had the I.V (in her arm)
This is Loralee's infection
Poor Loralee!
Loralee got an infection on her ankle. This poor girl had to go to the hospital and get an I.V because of this infection. She is in choir and had to skip part of the party to get an I.V. She has had this infection for over 2 WEEKS! She was taking medication for it, but it grew so she had an I.V. If it still gets bigger Loralee must stay in hospital for around 3 days having and I.V all the time. (When asleep, when eating, when brushing hair. You name it!) It just so happens that Loralee is my best friend! But Loralee is a very tough girl, she does not mind the I.V's and she is feeling much better. Also she did make it for some of the choir party!

She's feeling much better!!!

Wednesday 29 February 2012


Here is just some cool news. The county science fair news will come out soon!

On February 27th grade 4A came in from recess, they went into the 4B classroom for art some people were talking then Miss. A (one of the grade 4B teatchers) came in and told EVERYONE to put the heads down on thier desk. 4A was there with there heads down for 15 MINUTES,even though not everyone was talking everyone got told of.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Written By Olivia K-B

This is Sydnee with her project "Calcium Egg?"
Science Fair Special: Yes, it's finnaly here! Enjoy!
This is Haley with her project "Which Bread Molds First?"      

Haley, grade 4 (Wich Bread Molds First): IDEA "I have always wanted to do the moldy bread project so I thought I'd give it a try." FAVORITE PART " Putting stuff on my bord and getting all the matirials." PLANS FOR NEXT YEAR "Not quite, so I don't realy know yet."

Brianna, grade 4 (Cereal Science): IDEA "I was in the grosery store and I saw two types of cereal and I wondered wich one was better." FAVORITE PART "When I was doing the taste tests with kids from my class." PLANS FOR NEXT YEAR "Mabe something to do with dance like wich dance shoes are best or something that my best friend and I would do."

Madison, grade 4  (Sinking And Floating): IDEA "Well I just thought of it and thought I'd do it." FAVORITE PART "My favorite part has to be when we did the experiment." PLANS FOR NEXT YEAR "I think next year I am going to do microwave water because it sounds great!"

Sydnee grade 4  (Calcium Egg): IDEA "Just one day I came up with the idea." FAVEORITE PART "Well I realy enjoyed doing the experiment, so that's my favorite part." PLANS FOR NEXT YEAR "Next year I think I'm gonna do sinking and floating."

Angus, Kindergarten (Floating and Sinking): IDEA   "Well me and my mom were talking about it and I thought of it."   FAVORITE PART   "Well my favorite part was when the judges came over and I told them about my project."    PLANS FOR NEXT YEAR  " Next I want to do bones with my sister, Olivia."

Thank you for reading the Daily Doings newspaper online. You readers are everything to me so thank you once again for reading and if you have any questons, comments or you want to be in my newspaper just tell me in school or comment below. =)

Sunday 5 February 2012

Here is a fun web site Sydnee told me about. Thanx Sydnee! 

Friday 3 February 2012

Written By Olivia K-B

These Are Not My Pictures

 Food Mess:
Brecon and her friend were spotted cleaning up food from under a bus stop shed. Had an animal gotten under there? Were kids putting food under there? Who knows........  These kind kids got to the shed with a garbage bag and alot of heart. They cleared it all up at around 8:10 am before thier bus came. Brecon had spotted the food mess a few days before they cleaned it up. They must have pulled together and made a plan to clean it up.

Friday 27 January 2012

This is not my own picture
Two teens from Toronto sent a lego man into SPACE! This happened January 26th. If you want to see a video just go into youtube (click on link.)  or   They had planed to do it a few months ago. They used a weather balloon with a camera on it. Imagen  if it landed on a alien planet and all the armed forces were out! =D Just a little lego man! =D

Thursday 26 January 2012

Written By Olivia K-B

Interview with drama group: 

Elaine was 11 years old when she first decided to be in drama and music when her music teacher suggested it. She said her favourite memory favourite show a little night music and she can not decide her favourite song she loves them all! Alyson was 12 years old and she got a part of singing in a school play and that inspired her to do drama and singing. She also met her husband in the play Greece (not in school though!) Her favourite musical is Joseph and his tecnacle dream coat. Same as Elaine she loves every song and has no favourite.

Further News:
Have you been down the side of the school near the kindergartens lately? Well if you have you will see that there is a multicoloured ice castle there that was built by the kindergarten class' and it looks good!

Advertisement: Brianna and Ashley continue to sell their paper designs for FREE! They will stop selling the February 17th. They will meet you at the swings at last recess on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You must also fill out a tiny form saying your age, grade and stuff like that.

Thank you for reading Daily Doings if you have any questions or comments just comment below.

Saturday 21 January 2012